Topics |
- (Repitition) Lexical analysis: Scanner and Parser, symbol table
- (Repitition) Parsing: top-down, bottom-up, depth-/breadth-first-search, LL(k), parsing tables, first/follow sets
- Greibach normal form (GNF), Definite Clause Grammars (DCG) in Prolog, Recursive Descent, (Extended) Backus-Naur Form (BNF & EBNF), Domain Specific Languages (DSL)
- Intermediate language: two-/three-address code, Parse tree, Abstract syntax tree (AST), semantic rules / actions
- ANTLR: semantic/syntactic actions, AST creation and transformation, String Templates
- Parsing: LL(1), LL(2), LL(k), Strong-LL, Full-LL, LL(*), LR(0), LR(1), LR(k), LALR(1), SLR(1)
- semantic/syntactic predicates, ACTION and GOTO tables
- Practical training: ANTLR, DSL, AST, Choco Constraint Solver, String Templates