- Einarbeitung
- Redirect tool (Travanto & Mietmeile)
- Price Suggestions
- RWP (Newsletter & Registration)

- RWP (Landing Page)
- ...

- RWP (Modularisierung Secra & Booking.com, T2Q, API access)
- Sauerharz
- Cleverreach
- AWS (Cloudumzug)
- API (Push Service)
- ...

- Airbnb
- ...



- Stripe (automatisation, open claims, automatic & manual refunds & payouts, bugfixes)
- MySQL 5.7 update
- Cancellations (prototype and refac new dialog, refac cancallation backend, add automatic cancellations, multiple admin tables, refac guest and landlord mails, new reasons)
- OB 2.0 (for Travanto & HomeToGo)
- Free X Days Cancellations

- OB 2.0 Nacharbeiten
- Free X Days Cancellations
- Stripe (processing Sofort, bugfixes)
- Dockerize 8 remaining projects
- Kubernetes for test environment (EKS, RBAC w/ IAM, CoreDNS, ASCP, EFS & EBS storage, IAM for service accounts)
- Airbnb (Refac, XML to Rest Migration, API Update, Bugfixes)
- Booking.com (database migration, send cancellation policies, OB 2.0, bugfix)
- HomeToGo (refac/bugfix Golang feed generation, OB 2.0)
- Travanto (exclude properties manually from our portal)
- Objektumzüge verarbeiten bei Booking.com, Secra, HomeAway
- API (OB 2.0 data in LandlordService)
- OB 2.0 w/ RWP
- Other (introduced PHPStan)

- OB 2.0 w/ RWP
- Airbnb (API Updates, OB 2.0)
- Booking.com (Bugfixes, refac XML generation)
- Holidu (Adding new RWP-System to our backend, adjusting: LOS, refac Golang feed generation)
- Secra (Bugfixes)
- API (Booking Cancellation reasons, improve LOS & availability helper)
- Other (PHP 7.4 update fixes, update internal dependencies, refac Booking-Detail-Page, integration testing w/ PHPUnit & PHPStan)
- Bash - often
- CSS - often
- Go - experimental
- GraphQL - daily
- HTML - daily
- JavaScript - often
- JSON - sometimes
- PHP - daily in the past, now often
- Scala - experimental
- SCSS - often
- SQL - often in the past, now sometimes (ORM)
- TypeScript - daily
- UML - rarely
- XML - daily in the past, now rarely
- XSLT - daily in the past, now rarely
- YML - often

- Node.js
- Apollo Server / Client
- Sequelize
- Vue
- Apache
- Docker
- Portus
- Traefik
- Nginx
- ajt
- Webpack
- Grunt
- Composer
- Behat
- PHPUnit
- phpDocumentor2
- JSON-Schema v4
- Rest
- GraphQL
- Promises (PHP, JS/TS, Scala)
- async.js
- jQuery
- (Angular)
- cURL
- PostgreSQL
- PostGIS
- MongoDB
- Solr
- Git
- Gitlab
- Linux
- Systemd
- Munin
- (Bacula)
- AWS (Lambda, RDS, S3, EC2, ECS, SQS, SES, SNS, ALB/CLB, CloudFront, CloudWatch, API Gateway, IAM, awscli, PHP SDK, JS SDK)
- Mapnik
- Leaflet
- Let's Encrypt
- Puppetry
- Puppeteer
- (OwnCloud)
- (Kybernetes)
- ...

- ...?
- Travanto-Kleinkram (Weiterleitungen, Kundenaquise-Tool, Buchungssrecke-Redesign, CleverReach, Experteneinstellungen, ...)
- Mietmeile (Weiterleitungen, Hierarchische Kategorien?)
- Verwalter-API (Authorisierung, Rechtemanagement, Admin, JSON-Schemata, Preise, Bilder, Buchungen, Anfragen, Push, Integration Tests)
- Property Management System Importe (Aufbau, Verwalter-API, V-Office, FEDER-Software, FewoPro, ICS)
- Cloudumzug (Passwörter, Docker, Deployment, Gitlab)
- Harz- und Sauerland-Travel (Git, Merge beider Projekte, PHP7, Umprogrammierung aller Datenbankzugriffe, Solr)
- OpenStreetMap Tile Server
- Reichweite+ (Kundenzuordnung, Landingpage, T2Q, OB Refak I, Verwalter-API, Airbnb, Availability Helper, Booking.com)
- BookedByClick (Sync2Travanto, GraphQL, Admin, Cloudmail, Redesign, ICS)

- [2016] Linux / Infrastruktur
  - Bacula
- [2017] Serverless mit AWS Lambda
  - Node-Lambda
  - JS Patterns
- [2017-2018] Software Architektur
- [2018] Web Development 2025
  - GraphQL in Scala
- [2019] Expert Programming
- [2019] Test Automation und Testen vom Frontend
  - Puppetry
  - Puppeteer
- [2019-2020] Hacking
  - Wireshark
- [2021] Kubernetes
- [2022] SRE
- [2022-2023] UI/UX Design Patterns

Robin C. Ladiges / Travanto Travel

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